Thursday, September 30, 2010


I am interested in Puertoricos relationship with the U.S. because its my homeland, I was born there but feel I should know much more about its history then I do, especially being I am a native. I would love to learn about its history and more about the culture. When Spain and United States were in a war, Spain gave Puertorico to the United States as a possession, this is how it became a common wealth, which it still remains today. When I searched wikipedia, it provided allot of information for me, some useful like about Puertoricos history and their economic situation. It also had things about the sports there and famous people that came from Puertorico, this information I wont be using. I would like learn more information on Puertoricos current status. Something I read and I am interested knowing more about is how after WWII the mayor of New York said he welcomed all Puertoricans ready to work. I would like to research this more and put this in my paper, it stands out to me because learning about other immigrants and how they were not excepted and it being a struggle for them to become apart of the melting pot. I wonder if even though Puertorico is a common wealth did the people have a hard time adjusting in the states at first. I would like to focus my paper around the time period where Puertorico first became apart of the U.S. but I plan on giving information about it's history with Spain. By the time I'm finished with this paper I want to have a full understanding of Puertoricos political, cultural, economical views and where they stand oppose to the U.S.'s.


  1. Sounds interesting- alot of my friends are puerto rican and they've always had this endless debate on whether or not Puerto Rico is a part of the US or is it just another colony- what do you think?

  2. Julie, do you know what period you might want to cover?

    What does your story about the mayor tell us about the relationship?
    What source did you find from the footnotes to the wikipedia article?
